Land Use
Tripp Scott’s Land Use Practice provides sound, practical, and strategic advice along with essential services for acquiring and developing real property for real estate owners, developers, and builders. The Firm’s land development attorneys advise clients concerning a wide variety of land use and zoning matters to assist clients during the permitting process in an increasingly complex legal environment.
With a reputation deeply rooted and woven into the fabric of the South Florida community, Tripp Scott has developed strong ethical relationships at the local government level. To achieve successful results, Tripp Scott’s land use attorneys pursue and foster solutions by working with state agencies, county and municipal commissions and staff, advisory boards and neighborhood associations.
The Firm’s intimate knowledge of the law coupled with experience and community ties allows clients to tackle a variety of land use issues, including:
Due Diligence Reviews
Comprehensive plan amendments
Development agreements
Site plan applications
Allocation of residential unit
Platting and plat note amendment
Conditional use or changes in use approval
Code compliance issues