Commercial Real Estate
The lawyers of Tripp Scott's commercial real estate practice have helped shape the skyline of Fort Lauderdale. Since the firm's inception, the attorneys in this practice have evolved with the changing local real estate market. In the last decade, the firm has helped clients respond to market forces and assisted clients in taking advantage of alternative financing sources, dealing with overbuilt markets and complying with a complex body of local, state and natural environment laws.
This firm works with developers, owners, property managers, tenants, financial institutions, and investors in all types of transactions, from routine purchase agreements to complicated development plans. Among its clients is a billion-dollar, international corporation with more than 100 facilities around the world, local buyers and sellers of real property, landlords and tenants, and investment and property-management companies. Facilities range from Class A office buildings and convention centers to planned communities.
Tripp Scott's real estate practice includes:
Brokerage commission disputes
Clean-up reimbursements
Construction-contract issues and litigation
Contract negotiations
Debt restructurings
Environmental Remediation
Landlord-tenant disputes
Lease negotiations and contracts
Loan workouts
Project finance, including mortgages, sale-leasebacks, like-kind exchange, and non-traditional financing sources
Property-management issues
REIT formations and related issues
Title-insurance matters
Zoning issues
Commercial real estate matters often call for knowledge and expertise in specialized and related areas of law. As a multi-disciplinary firm, Tripp Scott has the professional staff and resources to address a broad scope of questions. Real estate attorneys often work with members of the firm's corporate, tax, banking, finance, environmental, governmental, and litigation practices to provide clients with a full range of legal services.